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Croft Track Guide

Croft Track Guide

Croft Circuit is located in rural North Yorkshire surrounded by farmland in one of the countries most picturesque locations. Croft is a excellent spectator circuit with fantastic viewing banks where you can almost see the whole track which makes for entertaining viewing. These massive banks are fantastic in the summer with BBQ’s on the go its a great atmosphere. You can also get right into the thick of the action being able to stand within feet of the famous chicane following Hawthorn Bend where you can see cars battling to get through first which usually results in an exchange of paint or even more sometimes. This track has a wide variety o technical corners and fast straights which makes it one of my favorite circuits in the UK.

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Racing at Croft started way back in the 1920’s but World War II like many other UK circuits kick started everything. Swiftly becoming home to a several runways and barracks for the Canadian Airforce. After the war had finished motor sport fan, Bruce Ropner decided he wanted to make use of this now empty area and with the help of his fiends he managed to buy half of the airfield at auction in 1962. He them promptly started designing and building his own motor sport venue which was completed in 1964. The first race meeting was held on the August bank holiday in 1964 and saw crowds of up to 30,000 attend this special event to open such a fantastic circuit.

In 1981 Croft decided to retire from tarmac racing and concentrate on Rallycross where held as holding the greatest Rallycross event in the country attracting international events and media coverage. In 1995 the track owner decided to go back to tarmac events and soon become a favorite for both drivers and spectators and in 1997 the circuit was overhauled extending the track to 2.127 miles using some of the existing runways to build on making it the track we know and love today.


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Track Length:
2.127 miles (3.423 km)

Track Direction:

Corners: 10

Croft Circuit,
Croft on Tees,
North Yorkshire,
Tel: 01325 721815
Fax: 01325 721819

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