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Top UK Motorsport tracks to visit 

Any motor racing fan will have wanted to visit a track at some point in their life. Even if it is just to look around and experience the atmosphere. 

Finding the time to do so is the first hurdle people face. With day jobs, the only time you are able to visit a circuit is on a special occasion, like a birthday. So when you finally have a day off, it is a choice between going through with booking a visit, or resting up with your usual entertainment on, or catching up on some reading. 

To help you make the right choice, here are three top UK circuits to consider: 

Brands Hatch
This 3.2 mile circuit in Kent was built on farmland, which means it has a natural incline, that can either hinder a drivers performance, or make it more interesting, dependent on your point of view. The hills also allow for better views for spectators. Sadly due to noise restrictions, this track can't use the full track more than a few days a year, but when it can, it's happy racing. 

Mallory Park 
2.2 miles long, the circuit is one of the shortest permanent ones in the UK. The space includes the full circuit, a short bike circuit, a super bike circuit and the oval circuit. The separate motocross track has recently become a popular success story too. Mallory Park has been run by the BARC since 2005. 

Marketed as the home of British motorsports, and with a 3.2 mile circuit, this flat surface track might not be to the taste of every visitor. Built on an old airfield, Silverstone had a recent revamp that made it more desirable. Becketts complex is possibly one of the greatest sections of a track across all motorsport venues. It's no wonder the circuit is currently the only British one certified for hosting Formula One racing.


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